About Us

To build custom off-grid sea container cabin prototypes in the outskirts of Toronto and establish design and construction techniques that will benefit future projects.

Long term vision

To develop unique sea container homes that offer sustainable living and less dependancy on the grid. To lead the Ontario market in developing residential and commercial container structures suitable for our Canadian climate.


Jason Rioux Shipping Container Cabin OctopodJason Rioux, founder of Sea Container Cabin, believes in sustainable living for future generations and is motivated by challenging projects.

Our current cabin is completely off-grid and independent of all municipal services, powered by solar panels and two forms of energy storage — lead acid batteries and an elevated water tower.

Jason has always been intrigued by the fabulous creations and multiple uses of shipping containers for living space around the world. Many years ago, we purchased a retired shipping container and gave it new life storing our toys.  It turned out to be the most cost effective, quick, and secure solution, given all you need is to arrange delivery and set the container onto some blocks.  Now it is time to design, permit, and build a permanent structure that incorporates a number of brilliant ideas and showcases the world of possibilities.